Tonight I went to dinner with a colleague and while we discussed an array of topics, guess what we ALWAYS discuss??? Work. What else? Both of us pawns in the hands of "the man" reflected on how over the years we've watched senior management identify the "chosen" ones. You know, the one who is always sought after, always busy, always in the spotlight. The person that is always recommended for the company task force attacking critical issues like how often should leadership leave four minute voicemails, how do people feel about the coffee mugs distributed as part of the green iniative or conducting interviews for the company newsletter. I'm not diminishing the importance of these company initiatives or downplaying people's roles, I'm just saying people are typically involved in those things because they "got chose" or they aspire to be chosen.
Getting chosen has it's pros and cons. On one hand, it's flattering and beneficial to career success to be recognized by senior management as a go-to person that gets things done and is willing to take on tasks that extend beyond pre-defined responsibilities. It's these auxiliary activities that get people put on the fast track up the ladder or at a minimum a personalized desk plaque. But let's be real, all of these extra activies get you no more money, take up your free time and potentially could lead to more aggravation in the short term. Your cheerleader, sponsor or mentor can also be referred to by another word - your pimp. This is your "procurer of opportunities" who in return is molding you into a competent member of the organization in hopes that your rise to management over time will lead to higher profitability, increased stock prices or perhaps a fully funded pension (a person can dream). There is also the bonus of being the person that "discovered" you before your rise to the top. Yep - you were made.
So wait, if your cheerleader is the pimp, then you are...? Yep. You guessed it. You're the h*e. And while it sounds bad and you think about all the work that you'll put in for your pimp, remember - a h*e without a pimp has no protection. That is, those who aren't chosen, can slip through the cracks unrecognized, unmotivated and lacking support. You need someone in your corner, guiding your moves and keeping you abreast of the silent rules of success.
Now go out there and GET CHOSE!!!
(cue the Project Pat)
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