Sunday, January 1, 2012

It's a New Year...Now What?

Each year I start off thinking about my goals, action plans, how to be better, live better, eat better and so on... And somehow at the end of each year, I look up and don't know wtf happened ?!?!? A lot happened during 2011 - I got a new job (topic for a separate post), experienced my first year of marriage (also a topic for a separate post), my sister and niece moved in with me...I'll just stop there. But do I feel like a better me after 2011? - not really.

Going into 2012, I'd like to keep life simple. I'd like to get back to living! Not existing - LIVING! Laughing, smiling, reading - enjoying each moment. Spending time with my family and friends more often and I'm not talking about on Facebook! I'd like to get closer to finding my passion and perfect the are of saying "NO".

I'm 18 months from 30 and I want more to show for it than I have right now. If I die or become incapacitated in some way - I want to be at peace knowing I lived and loved - myself! I've made a personal list of things I'd like to accomplish before 30 and majority of them revolve around me. I've spent so much of my life focused on giving back and doing for others, the best gift I can give myself is to take care of me.

I am hopeful and prayerful this year will be a pivotal year in my life. A year where I can take my life back and truly live.

My motto for 2012 is to "Just Do It". Whoever came up with that for Nike is a genius! The combination of those three words speaks to how I'm going to get through another year. I'm going to do what my heart, mind, soul and body desires.

2012 let's do this!


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