Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Oprah Effect

Unless you're living in a cave, you probably know that this week was the last week of the Oprah Winfrey show. Oprah has meant a lot of different things to a lot of people. I think we can all agree she's been an inspiration to us all in one way or another. She's shown an interest in people, topics and places that otherwise might not have been known. She grew from being a Mississippi-born black baby into one of the most powerful women in the world. Sometimes people underestimate the magnitude of the significance of her success. Oprah is BLACK and a WOMAN who rose to a position of power and influence on a talk show in a country where just years prior she couldn't even use the same toilet as her fans! She is a public figure that has transcended race, socio-economic circumstances, gender and physical appearances in a world where "image" is everything. I can't think of anyone else off the top of my head who has done that or even come close.

And while there aren't many days that I've been able to be in front of my TV at 4:00, Oprah has affected me. She has shown me the power of giving. I watch her "favorite things" and dreams shows not wishing I was on the show, but rather wishing I was capable of making people's dreams comes true, improving people's lives and rewarding those who have made measurable efforts to make this world a better place. There are many times I cried with joy watching the smiles and happiness of perhaps a young girl severely burned in a fire that is still going strong or a mom that survived the death of her kids to go on and adopt four more. Oprah has provided a platform for the revelation of stories that touch your heart no matter who you are or where you're from. Lastly, in the final hour, she went public with her faith in GOD and acknowledged her blessings as she is truly a woman of much FAVOR. Though I believe this acknowlegement was late in the game, it's important for people to see that she is not taking all the credit for her success and recognizes the role God has played in her life. She leaves me inspired to dream big, take action and give back.

Hats off to Oprah for 25 years of greatness.

Food for thought: Will anyone care when Jerry Springer finally goes off the air?

1 comment:

  1. I think Oprah was justified in being neutral about her faith/religion because of the diverse audience she appeals to.

    As for Jerry Springer...I didn't even know he was still making new shows o_O He and Maury both need to just give it up...
